*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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shit, i don't know if it's freaking hot tonight or if the heater's turned up really high. maybe i have a fever. it is hoooooooooooooooooootttttttttt like fire. okay goooooooooodnight


07 BMW 328Xi
ShinsenTuner said:
wtf? lol I thought your shit was white already
IT IS. that was when i first bought the car. i didnt take those photos but i had them as a reminder of how far the car has gone.


save a whore..buy a porno
socheck this last night this dousche in a audi " claimed " he had 480 whp and that is was twin turbo lmao...ok well its gets even funnier none of the imports that i usually roll with werent out yet, but there was group of mustangs that were chilling and the dude in the audi started running his mouth right, well this dude in a 98 gt said why dont you put your money were your mouth is and mind you this is a cheveron parking lot so the guy in the mustang whips out 500 cash and said lets do this lol so the dude in the audi was like whatever and he said jis tt audi would do circles around this mustang so he asked hiom how much his "turbo setup " was and he said 2k, so he said he would go 2k against his turbos and if he wins that he would take them of the audi and sell them on ebay for 600 lol so this guy backs down in the audi and he still is running his mouth so this gut that owns this sick ass red gto fucking all got up in this dudes face and was was like if your not going to do it for money then do it for pride and back your shit up, and this is what made me laugh the most, the guy in the audi started calling all his freinds to come help back him up and the dude in the gto staright up poped tis guy in the face and just started beating the shit out of the guy in the audi, we fucking got out of there fast because the gas station attendent was calling the cops lmaorofl fucking ricers man, dont go claiming something when you cant back it up ................................whew


Unregistered User
w00t! My buddy made us shirts! haha. He's got his own skate company and he's running a test clothing run on these shirts to see if they'll sell! lol. anyone want one?


save a whore..buy a porno
Aussie said:
you should have kicked him when he was on the ground :lol:
:lol: ya then i would have went to jail and me dont want to go back ...no no no


i need to find my receipt for these damn spark plug wires! i replaced them in december and, just lately, my car's been starting funny. i'm guessing it was because my spark plugs were COVERED in oil when i pulled them out last night, though. or maaaaaaaaybe they're just cheap ass wires!! fucking kragen's auto parts! lol my brother was showing me how to replace my valve cover gasket because it was leaking. :eek:k:

okay, but back to my story. the plugs were stuck on really good, so i couldn't get them out at all. so after my brother tried and got to the last one, the connector came out of the spark plug wire...lol as in nothing left inside the last wire. we had to use pliers to pull it out.


my brother wants me to learn how to change my own oil today, but i refuse. i have a ridiculous fear of tons of metal parts being directly over my face. nooooooooo thank you! i'll leave that for him since he doesn't seem to mind it...lol i'll stick to whatever i can get at without having to get under the actual car for now. :p maybe one day..

lol i'm SUCH a chicken...
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