*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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you need to watch your back...lol

One entry found for harlot.

Main Entry: har·lot
Pronunciation: 'här-l&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, rogue, buffoon, female prostitute, from Anglo-French herlot beggar, vagabond


oh shit. i don't know what just happened, but it looks like it's about to pour. lol it was soooooooo pretty and blue out a while ago!

i hope they brought an umbrella...

lol j/p i'm not that mean. i think i'll leave now. i feel like driving anyway.


sleigh bells riiiiiiiiiiing. are you listennnnnnnnin'? in the laneeeeeeeeeee, snow is glisteninnnnn'. a beautiful sight, we're happy tonight, walking in a winter wonderland.

i miss christmas time.


i think i might have to. i'm going to decorate the house and put up a fake christmas tree, while listening to my christmas jingles.

Ominous G2

Ohh this is some hot shit, they make fake engines. For test fitting purposes, but I want one just to have.

Slap an oil pan on her, and make some turbo manifolds and downpipes.


The Transporter
JDM_Conversion said:
you can buy the CD's off speedin. i think he carries the collection.
yup, I sell all sorts of CD's
G3GirL said:
i think i might have to. i'm going to decorate the house and put up a fake christmas tree, while listening to my christmas jingles.
$21 shipped for you :D

Ill even put your name in the songs! Or you can just have a nice X-mas story one.


07 BMW 328Xi
oh man i spent the whole time downloading old school freestyle songs. yes yes, i was a former breakdancer and started at the age of 10 and was in competition and all that. miss them old days. now im tired.

down and out. it only gets better from here homos.
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