*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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save a whore..buy a porno
dc2GS-R said:
My BITCH is out of my house!!! As of now! Yes it is 3:20 am! I've had enough! It's been along time coming but tonight was enough to put it over the edge. FUCK HER!!!! She is gone! Just escorted her out to her car with her shit....which isn't much. lol Fuck that, I am not taking anymore bullshit! Done with it! I could care less where she goes. She has nothing! It's my house, my furniture, my shit......everything is mine. I got a nice house, good job, about to be a great degree and also 3 cars, she has....uh............um..........hmmmmm.......she had me. She has a Cobalt....lol....that doesn't count for much. lol She can sleep in that fucker because it's all she can afford without me. That was it! Now has nothing!!!!!! She can sleep under a fucking bridge. I give up on her. Single life is more fun anyway right. I guess she just wanted to push it as far as it would go or thought I wouldn't get rid of her but.....GOODBYE!!! A person can only take so much! I swear this is it. I'm gonna change my number so she can't call me........but then everyone looses my number. Can you call block a number on a cell phone?


:woot: :nono: :eek:wnded: :wak: :no:

ACT LIKE A BITCH...............
.....................GET TREATED LIKE ONE!!!!!!!

word up heres to you dawg:beer:


8urcivic said:
you should be flattered that i even notice your around. :)
right. i've always wanted a queer to pay attention to me...

p.s. it's "you're" not "your" :roll:


the lone outdoorsman
lol my girl broke up with me last thursday but she went crazy .... i actally really liked her too but whatever i live in chico lol ill probably have a new one soon ... but if i dont whatever i aint trippin

also moving out of my crappy apt into a fuckin HOUSE at the end of the month thats the same as what im paying here and the roomates at the house are cooler and are actually social!


CI Transfomer God!
Melt said:
also moving out of my crappy apt into a fuckin HOUSE at the end of the month thats the same as what im paying here and the roomates at the house are cooler and are actually social!
didnt you just move there?


it's raaaaaaaaining here. i hope it stops soon so i can go to work. i don't like coming out to a hatch full of water when i get off work.


ONLY couches pull out!!!!
G3GirL said:
right. i've always wanted a queer to pay attention to me...

p.s. it's "you're" not "your" :roll:
i mean.....i guess im queer just cuz you say so.....but your still a man. and thats funny you call me out for spelling when you used a "3" instead of an "E"


8urcivic said:
i mean.....i guess im queer just cuz you say so.....but your still a man. and thats funny you call me out for spelling when you used a "3" instead of an "E"
i'm aware of that. i did it intentionally. i was poking fun at his old user name. i went to school. i'm educated. i think i know the difference between a '3' and an 'e'. :thumbs up


Unregistered User
lol, trinh's "3" is cause of G3. Like your car... the third generation of integras... lol

JDM_Conv-three-rsion's "3" was cause he's bad ass.

Why you gadda defend him so much 8urcivic? got something for him? lol


lol i guess i should go to work now...



Unregistered User
So I got a call last night from a "friend" of mine.

It’s fucking 1:30 in the morning. I'm sleeping. The phone rings, and suddenly I'm a victim of a drunken dial...

Fucking alcohol... lol


Unregistered User
lol, no... nope. I don't. lol

Pissed me off... I might have to start turning my phone off at night if it keeps happening. lol
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