*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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Unregistered User
B18TEG said:
because we have better things to do than you? or because your gay and need a whole gay integra loving community? . . . lol . .. j/k mojo
Dont joke with that. Be serious, Mojo's a homo. lol

Your sig is too big!!! The internet here at school can't load thos pictures that fast. lol, you should put a 56K warning on any thread you post in. lol


Type R
Kuchtaboy said:
Dont joke with that. Be serious, Mojo's a homo. lol

Your sig is too big!!! The internet here at school can't load thos pictures that fast. lol, you should put a 56K warning on any thread you post in. lol
what thread has he not posted in lol


Kuchtaboy said:
Dont joke with that. Be serious, Mojo's a homo. lol

Your sig is too big!!! The internet here at school can't load thos pictures that fast. lol, you should put a 56K warning on any thread you post in. lol


I had a bad day yesterday and today isn't looking any better. Ugh. I can't sleep. Who'sssss awake?


1329itr00 said:
i'll fight you physically lol... first one to rip the others clothes off wins. lemme know if your interested lol
You'd win because I wouldn't wanna see you naked lol
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