*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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Type R
ight well ima get the fuk outta here cause i can tell its beat and ppl r being wak as shit.

things to look forward to today...
i'm changing oil on a vehichle that has 54k miles on it and was bought new in 2003. It never had an oil change before lol. I'll be taking pics, that if there is any oil lol.
Weird NJ stuff we did some las nite but it was boring hopefully tonight will be better


Type R
MoJoJoJo said:
lol weaksauce!! lol i'm at work =( on a sat...so bored

hey anthony did u mount those slips yet?
yea lol my digi cam is broken though. and i wanna do pics during the day but i don't see my girl then so i can use hers. and i always forget to just take hers lol


1329itr00 said:
hence the bold part, being that i'm not serious or w/e
No one said that you were being serious. I just don't like it when people call me a bitch in any situation. I'm not singling you out or anything. I've always been like that.

MoJoJoJo said:
I sent u that text, but its okay i already got it, did u ever watch that movie? "the myth" w/ jackie chan?
You asked me about a song from Don Ho. lol I don't remember sending you it, nor do I listen to Don Ho....................................anymore. lol That's the equivalent of listening to Elvis Phuong now.

g2teg said:
hi trinh :D whats new?
Not much. Shitty morning, didn't get much sleep. What's new with you?

K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
well last night sucked major ass for me... we had a football game and i went to go watch it.... i was in a bad mood and reallly tired... ive never been so tired... drove around after the football game for awhile... i dunno y im driving around when im really tired.. then i wanted to wake my self up so i hit on third gear pulled all the way thru 125.. and stayed at 125 for maybe 45 seconds... this was at 12 30 am or so... and i was on the free way.. then 5 minutes later i start to feel sick... i pulled over started throwing up.. probably because i was soooo tired.. i decided it was time to go home.. i went to bed with all the shit i had on when i was at the football game.. i was wearing shoes and shit... yea so my friday sucked major nuts


hungover. played 13 for shots last night. apparently i'm not all that great at card games. :laugh:
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