*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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07 BMW 328Xi

let's see. i started the car 10 minutes ago and the rpm jumped to 2.5K then shut off. i thought maybe its the cold. so i did it once again. but this time i heard whistling from under the hood. and the rpm revved up to 3K and stayed that way. i've read a thread on this but the problem is i have school and i dont wanna get stuck in traffic with the car off. man im gonna miss my class!

everyone chime in! ekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! :x


07 BMW 328Xi
Kuchtaboy said:
to jimmy's post: vac leak? Do the rpm's bounce?
i didnt leave the car on for long because jesus christ its -11 (including windchill) out today. i just gave the car another try and it started fine at 1700rpm. but then it started to rise towards 2.5K. possibly could be a vac leak. going to the shop so they can check the radiator also.

and also. when i depress the clutch to start the car and let go the car dips down like it wants to go but i didnt wanna disengage the e-brake because im parked to a pole.


Unregistered User
the car rpm's dip cause you're adding the thats cause its so damn cold out! lol

Your clutch is still grabing the flywheel but the shaft is just spinning freely in the transmission. (not touching any of the gears) Thats why it dips. The cluch is a masive piece of cold metal grabing on to your engine. It doesn't like it very much right now, but it'll get use to it. lol

You'd be fine to leave it. lol.

My guess is cause its so damn cold for ya. lol


i think i lost my friends. literally. i can't find them. they were suppose to sleep over, but when i woke up this morning, they were gone. lol i had a BUNCH of missed calls at 4:30 am, though. maybe i locked them out...LOL i remember i had to open the garage for one of them...i don't remember letting them back in, though. whatever. i'm late for work. i should call 'em back, but it's almost 8am already. if they didn't find a place to sleep by now, it's too late.

me = good friend. lol
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