*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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Kuchtaboy said:
"Food or g2teg? I'll have g2teg" haha! I think that one is new, I haven't seen it.

I'm so bored... I probably should just go to bed. I have a long day of work tomorrow... Then a hour ride to a party my buddy is having... Bad part is, I have to drive home afterwards.... Fuck....
it's okay. you're not old enough to drink anyway. lol


troi oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i'm so fucking bored. i shouldn't have stayed home. too cold to go out, though. i have a nasty cough, too. lol sexy. then i'd have to get gas.


i've out grown the need to go out all the time, its time to move up from spending all my money on having fun - now its all bout working and having a good career save money for a house, marriage, family...looking forward to start my life on my own...

would really suck to be living at home with my parents at 30 yrs old...only 8 more years to go for some people...i feel bad for him/her


i've said i'd start saving up, but most of my money goes to bills. then gas, going out every now and then, and shopping once in a while. teg's been needing shit lately, though. p.o.s. can't wait till both of my student loans are paid off. it'll leave me that much more to save.


saving is hard then you think...the will power to have the money but not spend it is very hard...its hard to start when u have alot of debt aswell....

i've sent well over 3grand on my custom setup....i can finish it like right now if i wanted it..but its taking alot to not dig into my personal savings. i have more than enough to finish my turbo setup and maybe even buy a really nice daily driver but that money is for something else.

do u have enough will power to hold out?


imtheloserone said:
do u have enough will power to hold out?
like i said, most of my money is going towards my bills right now. i'd rather pay more than i need to now and be a bit tighter on money than to pay the minimum so i can "save" money on the side. i just want to get it over with so i'd have more money later. that's how i see it. plus the interest sucks ass. money being thrown away the longer it sits.


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G3GirL said:
it's okay. you're not old enough to drink anyway. lol
lol, I don't drink baby. I'm just that way, Haven't yet, and won't till I'm older. I see no point in it, but I'll have a good time with friends. If they want to get drunk, then I'll laugh at them. lol


thats not true, please dont spread lies, i was only trying to help...cuz i was once in debt and i totally did a 180 and now i dont even have to worry about money


imtheloserone said:
thats not true, please dont spread lies, i was only trying to help...cuz i was once in debt and i totally did a 180 and now i dont even have to worry about money
your debt probably came in the form of beers, pornos, and many late night phone calls. loser.
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