*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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i did not say anything related to that, i was being serious....i guess everything is a joke to her, still immature i guess.

i'm not gonna get into it but i'll just give a brief summary of what i pm'd her to clear my name,

i have relatives in san diego who are planning to expanding their business, they have a very successful farmers agency and they what to open up a small store in northern cali and need somebody to do some research on where is a good location, traffic, and attraction to the public. and i was seeing if she was interested...and make some money.


Unregistered User
so i got the new "Saosin" cd tonight. Not sure if any of you have ever heard of them, but I like them.

New singer, its not Anthony Green anymore, but the new guy fills the part well.


imtheloserone said:
i did not say anything related to that, i was being serious....i guess everything is a joke to her, still immature i guess.

i'm not gonna get into it but i'll just give a brief summary of what i pm'd her to clear my name,

i have relatives in san diego who are planning to expanding their business, they have a very successful farmers agency and they what to open up a small store in northern cali and need somebody to do some research on where is a good location, traffic, and attraction to the public. and i was seeing if she was interested...and make some money.
OMG!! that sooooooooooo was not the message you sent me, weirdo!

try this...
imtheloserone said:
Hey there, you seem like a cool girl. I'd offer to help you pay off your debt, but maybe after we get to know each other a little better. Give me a call sometime. I LOVE great phone sex. Here's my number: [XXXXXXXXXX]


you're probably some 50 year old online predator, but the "PM" you said you sent went nothing how you said it did. just for the record. stop talking to me.


i've stopped a couple post back,i was talking to the other fellow kutch...i believe it was u who restarted the convo with me...and posted it lies.


CI should have some kind of special screening before people register. weed out the crazy ones.

ahhhhhhhhhh my eyes hurt. i think i've been on CI too long. lol. way to spend a friday night. haha i should go out. yep. i should. it's nice and toasty in here, though.
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