*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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New Member
guess not. the cops need money for giving out tickets lol. and i saw a rsx got pulled over in the car pool lane and hes by himeself before i exit off the freeway.


New Member
hell yea! i even thinking to driving home around 3pm with the other people from san jose. but my other side told me not to and stay and sleep! and i was hrmm sleep good choice lol.


Super Moderator
speedin said:
Fuck with me and get the nut cracker

Because I always keep it on me :lol:
No wonder you said you car feels slow. lol That thing would take like 2/10ths of your 1/4 :lol:


The Transporter
dc2GS-R said:
No wonder you said you car feels slow. lol That thing would take like 2/10ths of your 1/4 :lol:
You kiddng me? Thats the only way I can win. See I throw that at the other guys window. He stops, cant take it out. So he leaves the car and runs home crying. Then I come back and take my wrench back because only I can pull the wrench from the stone, erm I mean wreaked car :roll:

Oh, and im going to stab my DSM with a spork, then strip it sell the parts. Then take the frame to rot in the woods somewhere for the rest of its life, only coming back to visit it to put some naval jelly and paint on it. So I can enjoy watching it suffer longer


Super Moderator
Well I'm bored as hell so I might go clean my garage, maybe it won't look like a DSM performance shop anymore. I mean damn, I still have a few little Teg parts in there!

I have so many parts laying around :roll:
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since one of my headlights went out the other day, i decided now would be a good time to do a 9006 to 9005 conversion. lol i took pictures of how bright they are now, but my fricking phone is being gay. i hope nothing melts or gets fucked up later. it seems like a lot of people have been fine with it. we'll see. it looks way better, though. i just gotta get another set for the highbeams and see if i can get the pics up. :thumbup:


Super Moderator
Oooooh! I just found some old pics of my car hiding that I didn't know made it this far. NO HATING! (speedin :lol:)

My 99 GSX 2 days after I got it:

First day of the Volk Racing love.....which lasted about 3 months :angryfire:

and yes, I've been fighting myself the whole way. front emblem or nothing. But thank god I painted the fog light covers eventually. They look funny black now that I look at it
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Super Moderator
DailyDrivenDB8 said:
sweet pics of your eclipse mang :thumbup: volks FTW!
Volks for the THEFT! :angryfire:

This car has been on so many rims...kinda like your's lol
Stock DSM 17's, 18" Volk Racing LE37, 16" OZ Racing F1, 18" Ro_Ja F5, 18" Axis Hiro, and 18" Ggames Wolf 77 :D

My friend has pics of it on OZ Racing F1's....that are on the GST now. I don't think I ever got pics of it on the gloss black Axis Hiro's though :cry: <----traded them for DSMlink and Eprom socketed ECU..but kept the tires. They cost more than the rims (Pzero Corsa :naughty:)
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