*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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Unregistered User
I dont want to work anymore. This break was long enough, I'll go back to school now. But NO! I have to clean fucking cars for the next 2 fucking weeks... Bastards...


oh maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan what a fucking night lol buncha people + too many drinks = drama...haha.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! new years is officially over for me. good fucking night. =] <3 you all. except kooch.


save a whore..buy a porno
integra4life29 said:
I hate liquor and any alcohol as of right now.......
lol...i didnt drink at all on new years eve, being that i was in a constant state of drunkness for dec 23-dec30 thats a long time to be drunk


New Member
JDM_Conversion said:
lol. CAMBODIANS FTW! screw viets! haha. im gonna brew up some controversy. 8)
whoa im half viet foo! lol but cambodians are cool people and know how to party! and ughhh dont want to see or drink alcohol! makes me sick right now.... maybe ill recover within a week lol.


man, i woke up this morning and my room and the garage is a mess. lol at least i remembered to pull the teg back in last night.

my best friend is still knocked out in my room. i don't think she'll make it back to san jose in time for work today. heheheheheh lol

oohhh so one of my headlights burnt out on the night of new years eve so i couldn't even drive it around. didn't feel like getting pulled over. i saw this cop cutting people off and driving super crazy that night, so i slowed down. about 30 seconds after he fly by me, i saw his lights go on and figured he pulled someone over. when i passed him, his patrol car was HALFWAY on the sidewalk...like the passenger side tires were on the grass...hopped the curb and everything. lol that shit was smoking like a motherfucker. i thought it was pretty funny. drunk driving is a no-no, officer...


07 BMW 328Xi
i've spent 300$ on clothes and shoes on my girlfriend in the past twoooooooo days. oh man. everytime i get money it goes down the drain.


07 BMW 328Xi
MidniteFreedom said:
whoa im half viet foo! lol but cambodians are cool people and know how to party! and ughhh dont want to see or drink alcohol! makes me sick right now.... maybe ill recover within a week lol.
figures. im also half viet. but im more in touch with my cambodian side.


New Member
yea i didnt got work yesterday or today! and i almost got pulled over yesterday going home from SF. was in the car pool lane most of the time lol. thought it was sunday but it was monday and the car pool lane was at 3-7. and i was on it around 3ish. then i saw a cop point a speed gun and looke dat me and i think he radio in someone so i quickly exit off and took the local way home lol.


MidniteFreedom said:
yea i didnt got work yesterday or today! and i almost got pulled over yesterday going home from SF. was in the car pool lane most of the time lol. thought it was sunday but it was monday and the car pool lane was at 3-7. and i was on it around 3ish. then i saw a cop point a speed gun and looke dat me and i think he radio in someone so i quickly exit off and took the local way home lol.
they should let you drive in the carpool lane on holidays. it makes sense to me. lol
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