*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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Unregistered User
Fuckin po. I have shit to do! Why you guys always gadda pick on imports?!?!

I got pulled over the other day cause he "thought i was drunk" ( I don't drink)

Then got pulled over cause "My exhaust sounded too loud" (2.25 pipe off stock cat to stock muffler :2confused)

Then got pulled over AGAIN tonight cause my "headlight seemed really dim and the guy in the back seat looked suspicious" (he was wearing a freaking santa hat)


3rd time this god damn week!


New Member
damn that sucks... and yea just came back from goflland in the acrade place which wedesday 6 bucks unlimited arcade play from 6pm-11pm! rocks! play inital d all night and owned my friends 240sx with my type r!!!! about 10x! lol and beat 2 suby! and lost to an evo... booo! lol


Kuchtaboy said:
Then got pulled over AGAIN tonight cause my "headlight seemed really dim and the guy in the back seat looked suspicious" (he was wearing a freaking santa hat)
lol that made me laugh. fuck santa!

p.s. po = teletubby. po-po = cops


oh fuck. i'm tired. the neighbors had a big ol' christmas party and kept calling everybody over, so i decided to stop by. i met some funny ass gay guy there. i <3 gay guys. hahahah they're fucking hilarious.


07 BMW 328Xi
G3GirL said:
fuck. i'm late for work. goodbye. i don't want to go.
so predictable. lol.

dammit anyone living in New England! are we gonna get any snow this year? this is new to me if we dont get any at all!


Unregistered User
G3GirL said:
i <3 gay guys. hahahah they're fucking hilarious.
so Speedin IS for you! lol, I'm sure you'd have a good laugh at him... lol

JDM_conv-three-rsion said:
are we gonna get any snow this year? this is new to me if we dont get any at all!
X2, I live in wisconsin, and we've seen hardly any! You guys havent had any?


Unregistered User

I guess there are some scientists now trying to say that its a "normal pattern" for the earth. We're just still on rebound from the glaciers or some crap like that.


Unregistered User
lol, yeah... that would suck.. lol

I just got a lot done to my xbox rice project. lol, I'll try and find the thread and post in it. Its so crazy! lol
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