*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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New Member
woot i got my itr lip tonight! fedex rocks! now im gonna drop it to a body shop maybe monday or tuesday and get it paint and put it on yo!!!


Im in a band DO ME!!!!!
I want a penguin that makes sandwhiches, smokes weed and anytime he see's me he say "what up cuz".......then procedes to flip people the bird....that would be awesome.


Im in a band DO ME!!!!!
hell yeah fuckin mother nature....im in texas as well...if I ever see mother nature in public Im gonna fuck that bitch up....fuckin hoe playin with my emotions, makin it all hot for the x-mas season....


Rated R
^^^ i dunno cuz this weateher change is lookin pretty good for some topless action. del sol style:D .....omg that was so fackin corny. i retract my previous statement. but is still good driving weather. lol
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