*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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Unregistered User
LowBoostCivic said:
lol, I kinda like that one.

RAR! long day at work. had to clean out someones car where the kid blew chunks all over the fucking place. IT WAS EVERYWHERE!!!! It smelt soooo bad too! (even worse than trinhy baby!)

Fuck it, I'm out. lol, later


Undercover mod
Kuchtaboy said:
the turbo? lol, cause the rex would be sweet if they actually made it.. lol
Yeah i got a turbo LS after wrecking my Teg :( but i figgured i would share my good news. it runs pretty dam good 10psi
i will start a thread when its not so fucking cold out and i feel like taking pics:D



New Member
damnnn im hella wasted... i wntt to the dinner party which my owrk hosted at mercedes and they gabe out free berr out and food that totlaly kicm ass haha damn i drink way to much good thing i car pool with someome ^.^ other 3wise i would be screwed lol hooorayyYY!


Unregistered User
MidniteFreedom said:
damnnn im hella wasted... i wntt to the dinner party which my owrk hosted at mercedes and they gabe out free berr out
LOL! I dont know why i think thats so funny, but just that part made the my night awesome. Thank you drunkin midnite-man! lol

went and saw Borat tonight. Funny movie! you just have to be in the right mood for it.
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