I am not very mechanicly inclined AT ALL. I'm 16 and this is my first car. I've been saving my money since ever so I have 6k to spend. (btw I really like your integra)
As far as theft if I had a nice alarm system would I have to worry?
Welcome to Club Integra.
Pros -
A lot cheaper. You wouldn't have to worry about monthly payments, you can buy a great teg for less than 5k. I got my gsr for 3.2k
cheaper parts
reliable, it will last you a very long time
less on insurance
It's not hard to make it quicker. You can compete with the gti if you spend a more money which would STILL be cheaper than buying a gti.
Cheap + easy to maintain.
lots of haters
people will be jealous
you need to take precautions to guard your car from thieves. Alarm, garage, club locks, brake locks, etc.
Faster out of the 2
new model
wont have to worry about thieves as much a honda owner.
You will spend more on a gti than the gsr.
reliability isn't as great as the teg. Seriously, how many gtis from the 90's do you still see driving around vs integras?
aftermarket modifications will cost you a lot more
new car, more expensive insurance.
Overall, more expensive to have.
Bro if you have 6k saved up already, you're pretty much in the clear for whatever teg you see. You could buy and already built integra for around that price in cali.