Yea guy nice carawesome car dude. it looks great.
THANK YOU!!! Me too! <3nice!
love the color!
:rolf:Oh look a skunk 2 sticker!
their Konig Coutersteer's. Rip off to Ray Volks. I love em! Thanks!hey what kind of wheels are those
:thumbs up looks really good!
green is green mr picky^ She is rocking a dark hunter green though.
im putting spacers on my rays and gonna coppy you for thatNOT twins.. dumas.. :rolf:
ooh....i forget i have 1 more spoke than TE37s/Rota Grid/TE37 replicas etc... I keep thinking mine is 6 Spokesbaaaaahahahahaha yeah dudes totally not the same green. Mine is pearl, not oem at all. lol. and those arent even the same wheels lol!!!