HawaiiImport's DC4


She got it!
teg looks good :thumbs up

did you paint your valve cover ? i want to splatter paint mine
Thank you! Also I did paint the valve cover and if you want splatter...heres my advice...
This is what I did....just go to advance, pick your color of enamel spray and then use car model paint for the splatter. It held up well...didnt melt at all! Just put a little model car paint on a brush, hold it up above the v/c and let it fall :) i was happy with the outcome! :)


She got it!
Haha. Nah Bikini's is a resturant out in Charlotte everyone meets up at in the parking lot
I dont go out that way very much at all...usually just for car parts lol. But I'd like to ride out sometime and meet some new enthusiast! Ever have teg meets out there. I get tired of going to meets with a bunch of civics and accords lol