**The Work Out Crew**


Why so serious?
Try taking weight gainer Jimmy. Its a protein shake, but with a shitload of calories. Worked for me.


New Member
some gainers taste soooo good, O.N.'s Pro Gainer seriously tastes like your eating liquid brownies


Raceline USA
just seen this thread.... sign me up! i get to the gym 6 days a week (sun-fri) between work, gym, and powder coating i have no free time lol

supp. stack:
pre workout: USP Labs Jacked
during: Scivation BCCA's
after: Op. Nutrition Pro Complex
cycle: USP Labs Prime (12 weeks on, 4 off)

id stay away from certain "weight loss pills" like hydroxycut, it was recalled by the FDA because it was linked to liver failure. take a pre-workout supp that supports lean mass such as USP Labs Jacked. also while cutting take a BCCA supplement, this will help your body burn fat and maintain muscle, otherwise your muscle mass will suffer. Prime is a great supp also, while cycling it u get lean as hell, even when taking in 3500 cals.
Welcome. Thanks for the info man.

i need to gain weight. maybe 20 more lbs and ill be satisfied.
How much do you weight right now?

want mine for motivation?
What kind do you have?


07 BMW 328Xi
Try taking weight gainer Jimmy. Its a protein shake, but with a shitload of calories. Worked for me.
i was thinking of doing that but i didnt know what would taste better.

some gainers taste soooo good, O.N.'s Pro Gainer seriously tastes like your eating liquid brownies
thanks, ill keep an eye out for that.

i forget what i took, but it tasted like shit after the 30th time taking it lol.
actually i think you were eating shit. :lol:

How much do you weight right now?
125. :thumbdown i dont look skinny nor do i look big. im stuck in between which sucks.
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New Member
as im reading the "workout crew" and enjoying my pro complex shake..... my k24 arrived at my door.... fucking awesome


New Member
k24a4 w/ k20a2 head..... hopefully i can get my hybrid racing mounts & harness this week. i'll have to post a build thread