so i sold my old skunk2 camber kit and upgraded to the pro series plus. the design looks 10x better than the tuner series. comparing it side by side, the skunk2 is beefier and a tad heavier also. i guess what set the pro series and the pro series plus are the bushings that are included... as well as the upgraded design of the pillow ball mount to stand more degrees more or less. only thing missing now are the suspension... things are going a bit slow so well see what setup ill go with.
the install is pretty straight foward. i would suggest seperating the spindle first then loosen the upper control arms, also hitting the spindle with a hammer will loosen the two.. one bolt at the bottom... and 2 bolts at the top. and bingo... single as that.
and here's the side by side comparison. note the oem is on the left and the tip of the upper control arm was trimmed off for better travel. not sure if the skunk2 will cause any clearance issues... i hope not.
and with everthing installed:thumbup: ill still need to take it to an allignment shop to calibrate the camber... but well handle that later.l
yea yea... its not sitting on any suspension right now. but its in the works...