November 4, 2008 Presidential Elections!


lol damm wellfare food stamps , make me want to stop working and get on the program shit i see motherfuckers driving better cars than me when they go and collect there wellfare check, shit there even better dressed.


Super Duper Moderator
What scares me most is Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid teaming up with Obama, both of them are far left, shameless partisans. The Democrats now have a larger majority in the Senate and a bigger majority in the House of Representatives.
Also Obama's future Supremem Court picks oughta scare the hell out any Patriotic, traditional American.


Raceline USA
I was pulling for McCain, but oh well... Nothing we can do now, but just wait and see what happens with Obama leading us. I'm interested to see what he can do and not do.


Super Duper Moderator
Are you seriously gonna post a video put together by The Daily Kos to make a point? That's a far-left, hate website. That's the equivalent of posting a video from a KKK website talking about black history in Ameica, it'd be the same thing. The Kos has no credibility, neither does Media Matters or Michael Moore - 2 other master video editors, defamers and distorters.


well the way i see it is we can sit here and complain about obama-binladin but in realoty hes in hes the new president and theres nothing we can really do about it lets just hope for the better and see what happens


Super Moderator
I guess we'll finally get answers from him through his action since he won't answer a question straightforward and has flopped side on so many different issues so many different times that there's no way to legitimately tell what he will do besides speculation and educated assumptions


Super Duper Moderator
well the way i see it is we can sit here and complain about obama-binladin but in realoty hes in hes the new president and theres nothing we can really do about it lets just hope for the better and see what happens
Yep, it's over, let's hope for the best.
Woah, I just bought into his election slogan, I'm Hoping for as little Change as possible, though. lol

I didn't mean to slam you Speedin, maybe you didn't know how bad that website is, but it really is. I don't take anything they have to say as reliable, I don't care what it is.