November 4, 2008 Presidential Elections!


Super Duper Moderator
I don't have a home phone, so no calls for me. No one coming to my door either, cuz the door I use is in the back of the house, lol.

I saw on the news that there were 2 Black Panthers standing outside a voting place in Philly intimidating voters. One had a knightstick, the police came and took him away, but the other one was still there last I saw.

Say it with me now....


Super Duper Moderator
I voted McCain.
My mom is 57 and has never voted for a Republican for Prez in her life, she's voting for McCain.
My dad is voting McCain, I think he's always been a Repub.
My sister's never voted for Republican for Prez either, she's voting McCain.
My youngest brother is voting McCain.
I doubt my other brother has ever voted, lol.

I had no line at my voting place, I went at 11AM. No Black Panthers there sporting knight sticks either, lol.


Unregistered User
I'll be voting later tonight... I still haven't decided. I was an obam-er for a while, but I have a friend that's been sending me a lot of her right wing stuff..... and I'm starting to change my mind. lol


Jointhe Wingless Movement
I voted at 10:00 in MO and it was packed... my area is very split because its a rural area but the younger crowd is starting to vote so all over my area I have seen signs for mccain and obama. I like seeing people care though :D

Oh and btw.... voted obama :thumbs up


Super Duper Moderator
Right wing stuff? You mean truth's that the mainstream media wouldn't talk about? I can give you enough to make your head spin!


Unregistered User
lol, obama bought out mainstream... Thats why I'm almost positive he'll end up winning the election..

The better canidate? probably not, but most likely the winner.. i think I'm going to have to give him that vote.

Doesn't mean he'll have mine tho.


My name is Ben
I didn't vote cause i can't lol but I convinced about 20 people to vote for McCain. I have the best conspiracy there I've ever thought of. Obama is a musleum terriorest planted by Sadaam Hussein because Sadaam said they would attack from the inside after 9/11 and what a perfect oportunity! So my conspiricy is that he is musleum terrorest.


Super Duper Moderator
Cool, Virginia's a swing state.

Video of the Black Panther incident today in Philly:
The News story:

There are more people registered to vote in Philly then there are adults who are voter eligible. Job well done, ACORN.
There will be massive vote fraud going on across the country, the vast majority will be votes for Democrats and the vast majority of the fraud will take place in the inner city. Happens every election thanks to unscrupulous voter registration outfits like ACORN and crooked vote counters. Gary, Indiana has had a notorious voter fraud problem for a long time.
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Keep on Truckin
I didn't vote cause i can't lol but I convinced about 20 people to vote for McCain. I have the best conspiracy there I've ever thought of. Obama is a musleum terriorest planted by Sadaam Hussein because Sadaam said they would attack from the inside after 9/11 and what a perfect oportunity! So my conspiricy is that he is musleum terrorest.
its muslem... if your gonna nock it get it right... :evil:

McCain 08! i got my vote in


Glad to see people are voting wisely:)...

Theres a polling place at the end of my neighborhood, I walked by dog over there and watched some commotion after I voted,and this lady got out of her car with an Obama sticker on there, asked if she could pet my dog,...I told her I had my dog trained to bite obama supporters