well maybe before you get frustrated you should be a little more understanding. FIRSt off the reason why i want such a low psi is because if i get one more speeding ticket between now and march ill loss my licence for jsut over a year. So im not trying to boost 700psi right now. Im just doing this for show and to get a little expierince under my belt for newt spring. Disagree with that all you want but thats my choice to do it. And as for the money set aside another reason why im not going crazy is beacue i have $18,000 set aside but i cant touch it until january because thats the way my parents set it up. So after that i can break watever i want and ill have it covered. Rome wasnt built in a day, im taking baby steps at doing this without going crazy unti lnext spring when i can do watever the fuck i want and not worry about it. Im not trying to half ass anything but getting hondata and shit for 3.63 psi is SSOOOO unneeded. I Dont want this to sound like a rant or sound like an ass but im not. I dont knock anyone for their personal choices when doing somthing to their car and i would hope no one on this site would either. Im just looking for a little know how so i can got the turbo route while staying relativly safe but not going crzy with it either. so PLEASE if you have any advice on how it shoul dbe done ar 3.63 psi let me know, input is alwasy welcomed but im not going any higher than that for a while so until then im not worried what im going to need. And again im not trying to be an asss sos sorry if i come off as one
Stop speeding! 3psi or 40psi, its your choice to speed, not the cars.
Youre not getting it. What everyone is trying to tell you is that its pointless to spend the money on a turbo set up to run such a low boost level, were not just trying to pick on you.
If youre getting 18k in January, leave the motor alone until you get that money and build one hell of a motor.
If youre looking to learn, learn to do it right. Listen to the people who have experience with this stuff, and dont get all pissy when someone tells you that youre idea isnt right.