New Member
That's why I said THEIR top tier. Lol. I know they're all replicas but my old hid kit was starting to mess up and I don't have the time to sit and research OEM projectors and what's good and not. I just shot TRS a message and they recommended the Mini H1 until I said I wanted to use 55w. They actually recommended the OEM ballasts and bulbs but I didn't have enough cash for them. They're really helpful and their stuff seems to be really reliable. I'm just lazy sometimesOhh ill get to see them on the drive up saturday.
^ oh f*** yea... im not at a point in life where i can burn cash yet. I would run it temporarily to see the result however and then reassess my decision.
Crimson youre getting sold on by TRS. OF COURSE they tell you to get the FXR for 55w.. they MAKE the FXR. Top tier lens? All replics made BY them. FXR = FX Replica. TSXR = TSX replica lens. But... they are good products. I had the tsxr lens, great output but i opted to switch out for e30's because it produced a more desireable color band for me.
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