HFF Beginner
I do have a really good idea on what the problem is, after I got the car back from the fellow that fixed it I mentioned that it was doing that idle bit from time to time. He said to clean it out and if that didn't work then to replace it. I cleaned it and it's in top form now. On a side note though it did take me a bit to realize that he didn't install my spark plug bracket or the clutch cable one either (can't believe I missed this)!Well youd first want to see if you can figure out what the cause for the idle is before replacing the iacv right...
Here are some progress picture of the bonnet I don't have a final mainly because I still have to spray another coat (it looks like rubbish right now)

On a last update I haven't really been able to drive the car because its always had a problem however last night it was in good enough form to let me take it for a late night drive. So I drove GMR. Apparently I started on east fork which i've never driven (i seen why now) and I think it is fronts side the section I came down. The car did well I didn't push it too hard so I did only about 40+ the way round. When I'm more comfortable with it I know it can go much faster there. It was nice to get out and have a bit of fun.