So anyways i'm sitting here stealing wifi and some cops come up.
Not a problem i'm on computer, they just making sure i'm not doing anything illegal sitting alone at 1am?
So anyways I give him my license, no idea why he might want that..
But then he asks for my cell phone number?
What the fuck could he POSSIBLILY want it for?
Not really thinking about it, or caring, I gave it to him.
But now i'm like hmmmm.. why would he want it?
Going to tap my phone and listen to all my five second phone conversations? LOL.
You guys have any idea why one might want my cell number?
Not a problem i'm on computer, they just making sure i'm not doing anything illegal sitting alone at 1am?
So anyways I give him my license, no idea why he might want that..
But then he asks for my cell phone number?
What the fuck could he POSSIBLILY want it for?
Not really thinking about it, or caring, I gave it to him.
But now i'm like hmmmm.. why would he want it?
Going to tap my phone and listen to all my five second phone conversations? LOL.
You guys have any idea why one might want my cell number?