Why would a cop want my cell phone number??


So anyways i'm sitting here stealing wifi and some cops come up.
Not a problem i'm on computer, they just making sure i'm not doing anything illegal sitting alone at 1am?

So anyways I give him my license, no idea why he might want that..
But then he asks for my cell phone number?

What the fuck could he POSSIBLILY want it for?
Not really thinking about it, or caring, I gave it to him.
But now i'm like hmmmm.. why would he want it?
Going to tap my phone and listen to all my five second phone conversations? LOL.

You guys have any idea why one might want my cell number?


I wouldn't have a problem with it if it's just a lonely cop, because obviously there is the "ignore" button.

However I don't like the idea what:
1.) They could tap my phone.
2.) They could use it to know i'm speeding. o_O

I do not think I ever discuss anything illegal via cell phone though. My biggest concern is that they could track me lol.

Oh and I witnessed a drug deal probably five minutes before, so I kind of feel like they think i'm some crazy drug dealer?
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Bird, is the word
they probably just want it for reference in case they ever need it. cops always like to get as much info as possible out of you. I guarantee they wouldn't waste their time getting a warrant and setting up a phone tap unless you are doing some highly illegal things. they cant just set up a phone tap for no reason, you still have rights


New Member
speaking of cops the other day i saw these 2 police chargers driving the opposite way i was, look at one of the drivers and i actually saw hot babe brunette cop! i was tempted to wattatata and and try and get pulled over but it was a school zone soo yeah. still would not have minded to get pulled over by her she was damn fine lol.


Unregistered User
You don't have to give him the number.
true. I would have asked him what for? They ask questions, so can you.

If it was me I file complaint to his superior officer in command. I would of gave him a fake number.
what would the complaint be? that doesnt make sense. The cop asked a question, he answered it. there is nothing to complain about.

Fuck cops.
why? Unless you're honestly doing something wrong, a cop is also doing nothing wrong but his job. the whole "Fuk da police" mind set makes normal enthusiasts like the rest of us look bad when someone hot-roding their car gets pulled over and complains about it.

there's nothing wrong with a cop doing his/her job IMO. I've been pulled over twice in the last month, and both times the cops were very professional and had a reason to. sure, I could say "fuck that cop" but he was doing his job and there was something wrong (brake light out, and expired plates on my girls car)

as for the main question of this thread, that is a really good question.. lol


Idk what to put here...
true. I would have asked him what for? They ask questions, so can you.

what would the complaint be? that doesnt make sense. The cop asked a question, he answered it. there is nothing to complain about.

why? Unless you're honestly doing something wrong, a cop is also doing nothing wrong but his job. the whole "Fuk da police" mind set makes normal enthusiasts like the rest of us look bad when someone hot-roding their car gets pulled over and complains about it.

there's nothing wrong with a cop doing his/her job IMO. I've been pulled over twice in the last month, and both times the cops were very professional and had a reason to. sure, I could say "fuck that cop" but he was doing his job and there was something wrong (brake light out, and expired plates on my girls car)

as for the main question of this thread, that is a really good question.. lol


New Member
So anyways i'm sitting here stealing wifi and some cops come up.
Not a problem i'm on computer, they just making sure i'm not doing anything illegal sitting alone at 1am?
Stealing WiFi and Cell Phone number. Hmmmmmm. Any connection?


RS owner
they probably just want it for reference in case they ever need it. cops always like to get as much info as possible out of you. I guarantee they wouldn't waste their time getting a warrant and setting up a phone tap unless you are doing some highly illegal things. they cant just set up a phone tap for no reason, you still have rights
SWAT came into my house, disrespected my whole family because somebody narc'd me out.. and you know what? IT WAS YOU!!


New Member
Not ALL COPS "act professional". Some of them are just dicks from the start, and this cop definitely did not seem professional by asking for his phone number.