what motor do i have...NOOB


ricer all day
lol i just thought it was funny i wasn't trying to be rude. sorry that i offended you.:( lets all be friends.


Yolo Whippin'
everyone back on topic. I assume Kyle will be going through here and clean the thread up shortly.


Quick-Spool Racing LLC
He said it looked like something had been rubbing against it, could have been a B just rubbed down, we'll see if he gets pics up.


New Member
this is a cell picture.. kinda hard to see but you will have to wait on better pics till i find the digital camera. There looks to be no rub where the rest of the "b" should be. im just as confused as anyone else. sorry if the picture is shitty!



this is a cell picture.. kinda hard to see but you will have to wait on better pics till i find the digital camera. There looks to be no rub where the rest of the "b" should be. im just as confused as anyone else. sorry if the picture is shitty!

When I was installing my header, it was kinda scratching where the stamp was, so that is a possibility