VTEC Suddenly doesn't work! Help?


Quick-Spool Racing LLC
Its on the left side of the valve cover, right next to the cam seal. In the pic its the cylinder to the left of the circled bolts.

It controls your vtec lol


New Member
If you dont know what kind of oil is in it change the oil and filter! Go to autozone or something like that they will pull the codes for you. If your a nice guy sometimes you can go to small auto shops and be nice and ask if they will pull the codes for you most shops will cause its good PR


Resident Asshole
I was talking about parts stores. Obd0 and obd2 are the easiest to pull codes from in my opinion. Obd1 isn't bad, I just don't like the fact that you have to use a paper clip to jump the damn thing and get the CEL to blink on the cluster lol.


New Member
They won't read obd0 or obd1 codes, they only read obd2 codes becaues they can plug their scanner into the port.
i work at a parts store and whenever someone comes in with obd1 cars etc we hand them a paperclip :p its kinda funny bc we even have a spot for it on the shadow board lmao :p


Resident Asshole
Haha that is funny. Most people think "oh hey I have a CEL, auto part store can tell me what it is", then they get pissed when you say Sir/Maam...your car is too old for our computer lol


New Member
And where exactly is my VTEC solenoid? What does it do? Like I said, I'm new to Honda, so I have no idea about any of this stuff.
Google images. Its covering the cam seal. Its that whole part from the block.
Its right next to the spark plug wires and the other side of the dizzy
I know this sounds too stupid to be true, but check if the wire to the Vtec solenoid came off.
Sometimes when the clips get old the part of it that snaps in place to hold in snug breaks off. Vibration and such can eventually shimmy it off. If you find this to be true, just put some tape over it to hold it.
I had this problem on my old swapped DB1 until I got new clips.