type r ls/vtec


Quick-Spool Racing LLC
I don't even know you, but you really are a douchebag man. If you want to contribute to the forum, then do so in a constructive manner, if you don't like his opinion, then go ahead and disagree, but this immature shit needs to be knocked off. It's not remotely for anyone, you or him both.


Quick-Spool Racing LLC
It wasn't insight with a bit of fun, it was attacking. I am COMPLETELY for helping others, especially when you have personal experience, but you don't need to be condescending in nature. It's not what you say, it's how you say it is all.


New Member
you have an excuse fine your tired got it.but running your mouth talking shit saying my build is stupid and i got ripped when like i said several others here hav esimilar build runnig 400+ whp as dailys and never had a problem and you sitting here telling me im a fuck up for doing the same. i have seen the shit in action. get that through your fucking skull dude. second how do i know you even know what the fuck your talking about when i have yet to see these links your talking about showing a half of the price that i have spent your showing 10 and 20 dollar difference in your typing not actuall links. 3rd i said i was sorry if i affended anyone for being an ass but like i also said you come off saying i got screwed when i think you did. for all i know your an 18 year old punk that likes to run his mouth about hear say shit and has no truth to any of the shit that your saying. look up on eagle rods website and tell me why there is an h beam and a i beam link for rods but im the idiot. ive heard of the block guards doing more damage then good and i have heard it doing exactly what there meant to do with the right installation. you say its better to sleeve yteah you can get a thicker wall set when you sleeve but that is still not good enough when your revving 10,000 rpms is what im saying maybe you did not under stand that. instead of getting on here and running your mouth to say you think some one is messing up on there build are spending more money then they should maybe should think before you type and explain your reasons with out being a douche. that is the point i wanted you to get. like i said you build yours the way your doing and ill keep doing what i am doing cause so far your the only one to say what i am doing is fucking retarded and totally backwards. if this guy is right fellow teggy owners please by all means give me the correct info and links to back up what you say not just links to other post written by who knows who. im not going to keep this shit up with you dude so lets stop it here. unless people have legit statements to say with out the sarcastic shit to add to there posts dont post in my threads. i only want legit builders that are not going to down some one for the views and opinions. cause either they hate there self for fucking up there build are cause they were to stupid to read forums website magazines and every where else shit is posted for begginers and advanced engine builders that need a little assistance. oh by the way how are you going to tell me i am fucking up when you are not even building your own motor someone else is for you. how do you even know they are doing the things they say they are for all you know they have the block guards in there right now. own the cooling issue you talk about is solved by drilling the holes out alittle bigger for more water to go thru its cycle, thats if there is a cooling issue. again thats the end of this stupid shit were done arguing.


New Member
well i have to say that i just realized you have a link under your name of your build and so far what i have been to look at is really nice and clean and some one is doing a great job of the build. so sorry for saying you dont know what your talking about when it comes to building. but again show me the proof of the block guards be a dumb thing to do. for some one that is trying for 700whp in 2011 its odd to me that it would make it with out any support or the sleeves. so im going to go back to your build and look at it and see if there is some shit i can learn or not. but again maybe you should think how you start off typing to some one that does not know you.


Resident Asshole
I have Benson sleeves, they are good to 55psi, much better then a block gaurd. My motor was built by Mike Laskey, do a fucking google search on Mike Laskey or Earl Laskey. Do I own a machine shop? Nope, so why the fuck would I put my bottom end together? I would much rather have a professional do it, have it balanced and blue printed and backed by a warranty. Have I put engines together on my own, sure have. Your comment comes off as if someone is building my car for me, when in fact that holds 0 truth, just look at the build thread for fucks sake, im a pic whore lol. You can clearly see that all the work has been done in my garage, not at some shop. I don't fuck with shops outside of machine shops. Even then I only go to the best of the best. I had a bad expierence with local shop at a young age on a z6 build and learned then and there that you get what you pay for.

Im not here to piss anyone off or hurt feelings, just saying your being took if you have over 3k in the bottom end you listed. Also you do know that .040 isn't 84mm right? Its actually 82mm. Also the link I sent you to the Eagle rods are in fact H beams which are the same ones listed on Eagle for 70 dollars more. I'm telling you, if you search the internet you will find much better deals on every part you have listed.

Block gaurds are a thing from the late 90s to early 2000's, before people started re-sleeving blocks. They are an old technology that needs to be left alone. They are known to distort cylinder walls due to improper cooling. I don't care how many holes you drill in them, they are a waste. For the record I had a z6 with a block gaurd in it :) Golden Eagle has stated in threads "we sell them, because people still buy them", thats not a real thing of confidence lol.

Idk what your power goals are, if its under 400 I would stick to stock sleeves, if its above 400 I would look into having a block sleeved. The old saying "you get what you pay for" is so damn true when it comes to engine builds.

I know several Honda mecanics that know nothing about D, H, or even B series. The reason being is its outdated technology by Honda's standards. Most cars that go into Honda for service have J, K, R, or F attatched to the front of the engine block. I don't know everything, but I do know more then most typical internet posters you will meet. My intention was never to knock your setup, just to show you ways to save money and still end up with the same parts you have already planned on using.
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New Member
like i said i dont know you didnt know anything about you are your build until today. i looked through it its very nice i will admit you have done an awesome job on your build so far. but i havent paid 3500 yet. i have approx 1750 and dont have my main studs pistons are rings. my rods cost me 300 bucks with shipping. i looked for two months before i bought them off a guy doing an ls/vtec and changed his mind when he started. i dont see sleeving doing any justice. in theory i only see it causing a cooling problem in it self, but like alot of builders sleeving is the way to go. btw my goal is 500+. actually have looked about getting the same turbo that i just found out you are going with.i also had the same problem with shops when i was younger so for i will not have anyone but myself touch any vehicle i own. my block has had all the appropiate machining done to it. blue printing is nice but i dont feel like it gives me enough to feel like i have to have it for what im looking for from this motor. everything was done by the best machine shop around here. i have put together several motors that im am very pleased with. some that have impressed the professional racers around here. i always take the extra step when putting one together, thanks for the input that i will use but even though it is typing dude you can still tell when some one has an attitude or is being a dick. its in how you type it that pissed me off not in what you said. again sorry for continuing the bull shit. respect your build and the fact that your a fellow teggy owner. you can probably tell me alot about these cars that i do not know. i am an old school motor builder i have built v8 this is my first import and yes i have found things i dont agree with that i should. didnt plan on doing a ls/vtec till i started hanging with the guys here with them and seeing first hand of what they can do. so yeah if you can give me links on your beliefs and how you have been taught on building these motors i would appreciate it, just next time watch how you type shit man. it might save a lot of agravation.


Resident Asshole
Sleeving doesn't effect cooling, atleast not the sleeves I went with since they are open deck. It is also the only way to go for longjevity on these motors if your pushing them above 500hp.


Blueprinting in my opinion is nice, I like knowing damn near everything about my motor. I too have built v8 motors, I come from a v8 junkie of a father lol.


New Member
i always take the extra step when putting one together, thanks for the input that i will use but even though it is typing dude you can still tell when some one has an attitude or is being a dick.
Idk man. It sure seems like he was trying to help you out by saving you money and trying to get you toward the best parts, but heck... what do I know ;)

I guess he was just being a dick... :what:


New Member
Thanks for the link. I guess I'm going to go back through my plans n look into sleeving. Sorry for the bullshit but u get on here and don't know who to trust or believe. I have to say thanks if it wasn't for this thread I would have fucked up n be back to round one. Again sorry for the bull shit n thanks for the info. Any more is appreciated a lot. You are knoledge in this a lot more than me. Again thanks for the info