yeah i love that color too idk what it's called though.I also like that Turquoise/Aqua color Teggy's came with too.
and yeah i'm a fan of exotic rare looking colors haha..
and thanks =] i apreciate it
yeah i love that color too idk what it's called though.I also like that Turquoise/Aqua color Teggy's came with too.
yeah well actually this week since it's actually tuesday morning now (well where i'm at 12:23am)accord looks great! haha, its funny you called it grandma green though, my grandma actually used to drive one of those, lol!
so estimated picture arrival is early next week, huh.
yeah i know lolisn't that the color on the newer/newish xbs?
for some reason, shades of teal look great on hondas. it's weird.
haha nah dude it's fine =]I used to want a 90-93 accord coupe.. one of my neighbors used to drive a slammed 5spd coupe and at the time i thought it was hella gangsta.
[edit]: i feel like i'm killing your thread, lol. my bad.
and yes it is!!!that teal on that eg is sexy!