ahh, I was hoping no one would notice. I have already redone my headliner since I took that picture. The sagging was unacceptable. Plus, the first time I wrapped the headliner, I was outside in the wind, and didn't allow for the 3m adhesive to properly cure.
The black tops are $30 from a friend. I fully understand that having bigger injectors won't help me. But it's not going to hurt me either. Plans with this car are to spray and cam her out eventually, I don't think I'll need bigger than the stock dsm injectors after I send them to be cleaned and flow balanced. I did opt for the blacks over the blues for the spray pattern.
I'm also going to fully tuck my bay when I have the time. All I want to see when I pop the hood of my dc are engine and tranny. When I graduate college she's not even going to be daily driven anymore.. I have a 4 door cb7 for that. A/C was removed during the clutch and flywheel install. The two lines from the evaporator were in my way and I was on a tight schedule so I took a pair of dykes to them. It didn't blow cold anyways, and I had no intention of repairing it.
I'm not a novice in the world of wrenches, but still have much to learn. I am under the impression that unnecessary belts and pulley's enable a parasitic power loss. Why else would some choose to upgrade to a lightweight CTR crank pulley? I'm glad you find my car humorous, JimmyRos.