s2000 cluster project


The Dutch Guy
Can a mod/admin PLEASE remove this shit?

Already reported this 'just' a time or three, via the report post button.


New Member
lets get over this shit and on with the excellent progress of this s2000 cluster retrofit


New Member
i need some help to finish my converter,

i dont know whats wrong but nothing work...

i have try a flashing led code but it dont work too,

i have a GQ usb programmer, pic16f628a i/p.

[email protected] for some messenger help!



The Dutch Guy
has anyone every seen or used this guy http://www.marklamond.co.uk/index.htm? I dont know how to make my own converters.
I don't know him in person but I've been close with him in the past. (even before his AP1 cluster activities)
When I started my own AP1 cluster conversion I dropped mark some questions. Some of them were answered but the major part wasn't.

So basicaly Mark was of no use. And in some way I can understand, because he is selling his conversion service for commercial purpose. Reveiling his secret would kill (part) of his income. ;)

On the other hand, and that is my personal opinion, the Honda community would be helped with the knowledge about the AP1. That is why I am in the thread. I want to have the AP1 signal specs out in the open. I still need to post everything on pgmfi.org thou. :D

So, yes I know and have spoken to Mark Lamond. But no, it was of no help at all.

But then still.... everything you need to know to build your own converter (wrt signal specs) is in this topic. Read it carefully and you'll be a lot more enlightend.


cheap bastard
Someone has bought one from him before. Get them to open it up and see what's inside and pull the bin files from any chips or pics in there :what:


The Dutch Guy
Someone has bought one from him before. Get them to open it up and see what's inside and pull the bin files from any chips or pics in there :what:
Why? Everything you need to know is already mentioned in this topic. Including schematics and PicBasic source code of a working implementation of both (VSS and ECT) converters.


New Member
I have spoke with Mark also and all was well i was about to send my cluster off to him then no contact i had him in my msn and he stopped replying to that and emails on his site even when i pm him on other forums he visits no reply so when i found this thread i was overjoyed to think that i could actually acheive what he has cos people were willing to share the wealth so to speak, all it takes now if someone could extract the information and post a how to for those a bit dubious about trying this themselves


The Dutch Guy
Some sort of paper will come.
I'm willing to do that but first I want to have everything in my car.
Been busy lately with other things, so AP1 conversion was of a low prio.

Within 1 month I leave for a 3 weeks break in the USA.
After that I have an addional week with no work...... My plan is to do a lot of AP1 work in that week.
In august I have to bring my car to the dealer for the yearly checkup and vehicle testing regulations.
I'm very keen on having everything installed by then so the guys at the dealer are like WTF?!?!?!?! :D


New Member
i need some help to finish my converter,

i dont know whats wrong but nothing work...

i have try a flashing led code but it dont work too,

i have a GQ usb programmer, pic16f628a i/p.

[email protected] for some messenger help!

why nobody can help me ?

the rom in my pic its burn corectly, but nothing work....


The Dutch Guy
Defensio.... you're probably missing some basic microcontroller knowledge. This is an automotive forum.
It's stated earlier that we are assuming basic microcontroller knowledge. Because if we start helping people with these basic things, I garantee you that this thread will be flooded with electronic nOOb questions.
If your not able to debug your own blink a led code, then get more info about microcontrolers. There are tons of sites out on the internet where people are doing nothing else then electronics.

Check http://www.clubintegra.com/board/showpost.php?p=425061&postcount=337
There I have posted my VSS PicBasic code which is compiled and burned into my 16F628A and still working fine.

I don't want to be too picky so I'll give you some directions where to look at when debugging
- Check the compilers config string. It should be the first line in your code.
- Have you configured your compiler to make the controler use the internal oscillator?
- Have you connected the LED to the correct pin and the correct direction?
- Have you configured your pin of chois to be an OUTPUT? (TRIS)

And think about posting you blink a led source code. Because else it'll be all guessing and nobody will be able to actually help ;)

But still... This is a one time exception I make because other people might find it helpfull too. But don't expect me to give a complete lecture about how to get started with microcontrollers. There a tons of others sites with tons of articles about how to get started.