So, I just talked to the body shop that is going to be doing the structural repair on the car...
To do all the stuff that I really want to do with the car, it will never be done in time for the mega-meet on May 29th. With my ridiculous work schedule, I won't have enough spare time to get the tuck and shave done in a reasonable amount of time. Then, the body shop says its going to take at least 3 weeks to do the structural repair, and fixing a rust spot. So, after figuring all this into equation, I won't be done until mid-June. So, since I can't get all that done in time, I'm just gonna get the structural stuff fixed, tuck what I can, relocate the battery (WHICH CAME IN TODAY!!!), and install the JDM side-markers before I paint it.
I'm bummed, big time. I really wanted this thing done, the way I wanted it for the meet. But, its just not realistic at this point. The shave will have to wait until I do my swap (hopefully this time next year). At least the car is going to look great everywhere else. Just not as nice under the hood, as I wanted it to. Oh well, guess the hood's gonna stay closed for the meet.