SO, I got the car out of storage today. I didn't get to make too much progress in the car itself as I only had about 30 minutes to work on it before leaving to go to Laurel, MD to pick up the last few pieces of the puzzle, so to speak. I picked up BOTH rear quarter windows (In almost MINT condition, btw) and this fine piece for a scant $80...
I'm not off again until thursday, so that's about all I'm gonna be able to do for now. Thursday, the rear part of the interior is coming out so I can provide easy access to the c-pillar section so the body shop can cut out the old, and weld in the new.
Before the car goes to the body shop, the motor will be pulled and a wire tuck/bay shave will be performed by me

already have a welder on loan from my uncle, and have been doing some practicing, and have pretty much got it down to an exact science, lol. I'm not tackling the big part (c-pillar) because, even though I feel good welding small spots, I'm not comfortable enough with something that is critical to the car's structure. I'll leave THAT part to the professionals. I'm saving a load of money by doing the rest myself.
Hoping to have the interior out by mid thursday, and have the motor pretty much ready to pull by the time i wrap up for the day, around 6-7pm. then, first thing friday, pull the motor, fenders, etc. and get to work on the tuck. i need to buy a hole-saw bit for my drill. what sizes would you seasoned "tuckers" recommend? also, good places to get the appropriate sized grommets, etc. for protecting the wiring as it passes through the fender wells.
Thanks, people.
It begins...