updates (WITH PICS this time)
so, my friend stopped by while I was working a few days ago, and snapped these:
"Do work, son"
"Doin' work, son."
was taking out the rear motor mount when he showed up. that rear bolt on the factory mount is a b**** to get off. Thank goodness the Hasport mount doesn't have all those provisions blocking access to the bolt. Will be MUCH easier to put on.
lol. now, onto the updates...
this came in today, the final piece to the puzzle
GS-R Throttle cable
and here are the bay shots...
Before 1 (motor had been out less than 5 minutes at this point)
Before 2
*that pic was taken AFTER I had done the degreasing and cleaning. But underneath it all, you can see the paint was in horrible shape. Especially, underneath the driver's side mount area (practically no paint at all after the degreasing

So, I got right to work... These are the results:
Note the cross-members, as well. And look at that beautiful, fresh Captiva Blue Pearl in the bay

These phone pics do absolutely NO JUSTICE to how much nicer it looks under the hood. These pics are terrible compared to how they actually look. Fortunately, I found my camera today. But, I need to recharge the battery for it, so I'll be able to take better pics as I'm finishing up.
The cam on my phone sucks, horribly. The pics look blurry and hazy, and Verizon won't replace the phone or anything (long story).
Some of the hoses are still a little dirty. I'm gonna replace most of them, and hit the remaining hoses with some more soap and water to get the dirt off, and then hit them with some Armor All or something to make them look like new.
also, I removed the charcoal canister today, as well. Had to stop after that, though. Started raining, and I wanted to get the hood closed up, and the car covered back up before all that fresh paint was messed up.
I didn't get to do the wire tuck that I wanted to do. My time was limited, and the weather was DEFINITELY not on my side this week. As you can see, I don't have a garage to work in. So, the tuck will have to wait until I can get it done in a garage.