"ricer" jokes


People really get to
Me when thy say this , I took my older brothers integra cuz he stepped up to a evo, but he even said everyone has there preference , u should respect that , but what I don't get is if someone sees a Honda symbol . Ohhhh right away it's a ricer? Like shut up , the only thing on my car that could be classified as a river is my exhaust , but I love that thing , it's not no cheap one either , hks? Like last night there's some wannabe redneck that goes to my school and drives a dodge lol , shitty one too , and he threw a orange at my rims , I noticed it after he was talking to me , good thing there were my winter rims , but anyways Peoplw need to get then difference between imports and cheap looks Ricers.. P.s I plan on putting a sticky weight on his drive shaft and putting some nails so he has to buy new 200 dollars truck tires hah don't get me wrong though I love trucks , I actually love all cars, I don't have a problem with that , although I dislike mustangs and dodge trucks


Most of my parts are oem, I do have the adjustable coil overs , my brother slammed it , put some aftermarket control arms , about it , is there anyway to post a pic from a iPhone?

DC Guardian

Uniqueness defines
Lol plukdt

Yes with tapatalk.. or photobucket
Slammed can scream ricer to a certain crowd

Sent from my DC4


Negative Ned

Man. I'd laugh my ass off if someone threw an orange (or any citrus) at my wheels.



Sounds like you either need to:
A) make friends with the rednecks
B) become 3rd degree black belt
C) sell your car and obtain a DIESEL

That being said I made friends with the rednecks when I was in school and we shared a mutual respect for each other. They drove trucks and I drove my gsr. If one of them got ballsy and wanted to take crap then we lined up. You'd be surprised how quickly you can eat a stock pickup gas or diesel in a mostly stock gsr.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Yea dude my redneck homies with lifted trucks love my car haha we always take pictures with my car underneath their trucks... Maybe they just dont like you period regaurdless of what you drive?