Radio Flyer build


Resident Asshole
Got the wagon back from the powder coater today and started mocking everything back up. I should have wheels in the next couple weeks for it along with a seat pad



Resident Asshole
Not a huge update, but I did pick out and pick up the fabric/foam to build a seat for the latest wagon I am building.



Resident Asshole
The wheels for my nieces wagon finally showed up. I just have to get a sleeve machined so they fit on the axles. Over all I am pretty happy with how this one came out. I am going to add a sticker on the side after she is born, sort of like a model number. I have several more builds in progress or in the works, that I will post up as they progress.



Resident Asshole
I am currently building a wagon for my brother in law who lives in Colorado. His father in law owns a 69 Camaro and wanted a wagon built with it in mind. This one isn't going to be anything super crazy as the budget is somewhat limited, but it should hopefully capture the car as best as possible, given what I have to work with.

First the car:

Now on to the wagon stuff. Started out as a $20 beat up looking wagon that someone had spray painted over several times through out it's life. I had a set of wheels laying around that were a 5 star spoke style, that I felt fit this wagon better than the regular radio flyer wheels. Got it all mocked up, his approval, then torn down and sent off for sandblasting/powder coating

Today I stopped in at the powder coaters to pick up a couple other things I had there and to check on the wagon. It had just came out of the baking oven, so I snapped a pic of it. I am happy with the outcome so far, the suspension parts were in the other oven still baking, so I wasn't able to get a picture of them. SS stripes are getting added to the tub to make it look like the car a little more. I am also going to do a sticker with my soon to be nephews name "Camden" in the Camaro font and put it on the wagon somewhere. The sides are getting stickers that say Ole Glory, which is the cars name and can be seen on the front valance in the picture.

I am hoping to have this one all wrapped up by the weeks end and then beginning on 2 other wagons I am building for people. I will post pics as they come of this wagons completion and the other 2 wagons.


New Member
I didn't see it going this far. Haha nice work man


Resident Asshole
Hahaha, neither did I but here we are. The biggest issue I am having with these is people complaining about cost, but yet when they hit me up they have off the wall ideas haha.


Resident Asshole
Not enough at all, I make $5 profit off of them on average. I just like building them and seeing kids put them to use, rather than them rotting away in some yard, barn, scrapyard, ect.. The starting price is $170, that includes the cost of the wagon (I have a lot of wagons haha), sandblasted/powder coated to their color choice, 2 stickers of their color/text/font choice, a foam covered seat, wheels cleaned up and painted, all new bolts. I really need to raise the price to $200 to make it worth my time, but people already cry about the price. I just explain to them that a plain jane, red wagon from the store is over $100 and looks just like everyone elses.


Resident Asshole
From there, it gets expensive when you want to add go kart tires, neon lights or whatever else people have in mind. No one seems to understand this though. Hell in my sons wagon, I have $300 and that is with me getting some good deals on the tires and powder coating.


Resident Asshole
Finishing this wagon up for a customer.

Got it back from the powder coater today

Painted the wheels and then sprinkled em with glitter before clear coating. The customer wanted it to feel princessy (not sure if that's a word). It's really hard to capture the glitter in a picture, hoping that once I have it all back together and do a little photo shoot it will be easier to see.
