Looking for my next Teg..
I would have to agree with the person above who said to sell your current teg and just buy 1 with a manual transmission... for a die hard that has a second car to scoot around in this isn't such a big deal, but doing the auto to manual swap isn't as easy as just slapping in a manual with shifter and linkage.
There are threads over at G2IC that outline this and i know that the center "hump" that the shifter sits on has differing holes cut for the auto and manual. That said berside swappign mechanical parts you need to remove the center console and do some cutting to get the manual shifetr to fit properly
Also going to a B18C ITR motor you would most likely want to use the Hydro tranny that comes with it. This would require salvaging the Hydraulic pedals from a DC series and doing more fabricating, or getting the cable to hydro conversion kit from Hasport.
Again, for someone newer to cars and modding this is a huge undertaking & not just a weekend swap project. If you half ass it you are gonna trash your ride and piss alot more $$$ into it than is worthwhile.
Also I am not trying to rain on your parade... if this is something you are dead set on doing by all means get the learning experience you can. and for what it is worth... the only stupid questions are the ones you never ask
Go to and look up the conversion threads there... lots of super good info to equip yourself with for this project... I cannot stress to you enough to make sure you research this to the fullest.
There are threads over at G2IC that outline this and i know that the center "hump" that the shifter sits on has differing holes cut for the auto and manual. That said berside swappign mechanical parts you need to remove the center console and do some cutting to get the manual shifetr to fit properly
Also going to a B18C ITR motor you would most likely want to use the Hydro tranny that comes with it. This would require salvaging the Hydraulic pedals from a DC series and doing more fabricating, or getting the cable to hydro conversion kit from Hasport.
Again, for someone newer to cars and modding this is a huge undertaking & not just a weekend swap project. If you half ass it you are gonna trash your ride and piss alot more $$$ into it than is worthwhile.
Also I am not trying to rain on your parade... if this is something you are dead set on doing by all means get the learning experience you can. and for what it is worth... the only stupid questions are the ones you never ask
Go to and look up the conversion threads there... lots of super good info to equip yourself with for this project... I cannot stress to you enough to make sure you research this to the fullest.
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