oil/water mix after hydrolock


RS owner
yup. it happened to me. disconnected my cai but it reconnected itself and blam! hydrolock :(

anywho, i vacuumed out the water in the cylinders and cranked out as much water as i can. sprayed some start fluid into the intake and cranked till it started. nothing knocking!! but oil and water mixed. i plan on draining and flushing the motor with some cheap-o oil a few times to try and clean it up. any other ways of trying to clean it? i want to see if itll mix with the coolant after doing this a few times. i dont want to pull the head off. too much work. lol!!

im guessing my rings are pretty much done. most likely gonna take it to a shop and have em fix the motor and pay. i just dont trust em with major work like that. ughh..

also, how long would the engine life be after they mix?

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RS owner
its not even the ride height. it was the intake. if it didnt reconnect, i wouldve been fine. the water was almost up to my door!! it may not seem that high but damn. it was deeper than i expected.

i suspect my rings to be done. im about to just take it to a shop and have em work on it. im done with this car.

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Boredest Member
lol i know but im teasing about your drop.. most streets dont flood, depending where you live. Do you have your fender liners in place?


RS owner
lol i know but im teasing about your drop.. most streets dont flood, depending where you live. Do you have your fender liners in place?
yup. there was a dip too. damn. i was doing good going around flooded areas on base. it was that one right by my work that fucked me.

you happen to know the lifespan of a motor after oul and water mixed?

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Boredest Member
Sorry no. Wish i could contribute but ive not had to learn anything about post hydrolock. Deepest water i had to go through was probably just at the door or at the skirts but liners in place, tried not to throttle, hoped to not slow down too much while praying. lol


RS owner
dude. when i took the plugs out and cranked it, it was like 4 upside-down waterfalls. lol!!

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New Member
Do an oil change. Let it get up to temp. Do another oil change. Then you should be good. They also sell chemicals that remove water from your oil(they also have ones for fuel tank too). Then do a compression test.

Btw, cranking the motor with water in the cylinders wasnt a good idea. Not just the lack of lubricant, but its also forcing water through the tiny plug hole, which is basically a major bottle neck. I am shocked you didnt bend a rod.


RS owner
lol too bad no video. What the universe is telling you.. its time to beef up that bad boy
i would but cali smog regs are gay as shit!!

Do an oil change. Let it get up to temp. Do another oil change. Then you should be good. They also sell chemicals that remove water from your oil(they also have ones for fuel tank too). Then do a compression test.

Btw, cranking the motor with water in the cylinders wasnt a good idea. Not just the lack of lubricant, but its also forcing water through the tiny plug hole, which is basically a major bottle neck. I am shocked you didnt bend a rod.
i snapped my timing belt on a spirited run up a mountain once in my teg. tried starting it too. didnt bend anything that time either! woot!!
about to drain and flush right now. heading to vatozone to pick up some stuffs. wish me luck!!

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RS owner
did an engine flush with some engine cleaner that goes into the crank case to thin out oil. used valvoline synthetic blend to run thru a few miles. gonna flush it out again with oil that has some cleaning detergent in it tomorrow after work. then on monday, back to my regular castrol full synthetic.

been keeping an eye on the dipstick for signs of a blown HG but all seems good now. brought it up close to redline today. only thing now is that my throttle will get stuck around 1500-2000. gotta pull up on the gas pedal for it to drop. other than that, runs just like it did!

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New Member
Take off the throttle cable and squirt some 3-in-1 oil inside of the cable. If that doesn't help then it might be the butterfly catching, maybe the water bent it or something.