oil/water mix after hydrolock


RS owner
i was looking at it and there seems to be some vacuum hose that runs under the throttle on the IM. i sprayed some wd40 on the spring. if that doesnt help, ill do what you said and lube up the cable.

forums are informative!!

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Name = John
Wow sounds like you got off lucky. You should invest in one of those bypass valves. Glad to hear that she is all good :D


RS owner
my boy i got the cai from cut the part that goes down. i just removed the lower half. now rockin the sri from now on. might do that headlight duct for my car again and make a plug for it

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No fucks given.
Damn.... So you got lucky again? Give me some of your luck with Integra's....


RS owner
for reals! good luck charm in itself!

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