NorCal Meet: November


Where are all the pictars? It was dope to see a row of like 12 cars following me through Vallejo; people must have been like, "Oh shit, it's Fast and Furious 6, look at all the Asians behind Paul Walker in the Integra".
Ya'll missed out, man. We were drinking for a few hours playing games and shit at me pad. I got pretty faded after shots and a blunt, lol. I had to chill on the couch and play commentary
it was windy as f*ck. I had my knight in shining armor fetch me his jacket to wear. Man I'm so lazy to plug in my iPhone into my comp to upload these pics. & I only snagged 11
you were cold an hungry, kinda like a bumb
I bet the afterparty is still going on between Dylan's gang and Patrick lulz I wish I didn't bring the excess baggage so I could have joined
should have brought them with you, man
Good seeing all you guys again :thumbs up
You're a fucking lame. I assume you were trying to troll us, but it was a poor way of doing it. You would have enjoyed yourself, my penis fell out of the bottom of my pants.


Extreme Music Addict
I only have like 11 pictures of us at Mare Island, then I was taken over by hunger and was daydreaming of food


Extreme Music Addict
I was busy trying to catch up i was with the guys that were high... no time for pics. Lol I was the only integra that wasn't with you guys.