So, a couple things. One, my e-mail is messing up on my laptop, so I can't access the pictures I sent to it, which means no pictures for now.
Second, here's yesterdays update in full.
Yesterday, I took it upon myself to attempt to fix my coolant leak. On my truck, there is the thermostat housing on the left hand side in front of the intake manifold, the coolant temperature sensor is plugged into a housing in the bottom of the thermostat housing, and then there is something else that I have yet to figure out what it is that is coolant related (I'm assuming) to the right of the thermostat housing. That thing was what was leaking, and the coolant temperature was leaking a little. So, yesterday, I scraped and re-used the gasket for the thing that was leaking, except I coated it on both sides with RTV silicone. No more leak there.
I also replaced the thermostat. It was stuck open and it looked disgusting.
Then, I tried replacing the coolant temperature sensor. I got the old one out and the new one in, started the truck, and it was still leaking around the sensor. So, I tightened it and tried it again. Then, I pulled it out to make sure I hadn't cross-threaded it and I broke the plastic piece off of it that allows you to plug it into the wire loom. So, I put the old one back in. Same results and I broke it in the same place. So, I was screwed on that for the evening and was out $15. So, this morning, I went and bought another one. This time, I coated the threads in RTV blue silicone and put it in. It still leaked a little, so I tightened it down a little more. Still leaked. So, I then got creative and put a bead of blue silicone around the top of the sensor where it was leaking. It still leaked.
I added another bead on top of the first bead and let it sit. I don't know if it leaks or not because I haven't started it since then, but we'll find out tomorrow. The leak after the first bead was miniscule, so I think the second bead took care of it.