My maintenance schedule


New Member
Words of wisdom, never believe anyone who tells you putting premium gas in your car is a part of their maintenance schedule. It either needs it or it doesn't, and if it doesn't putting it in won't do a bit of good.
Again. I agree with everything you have said so far. Its really going to come down to how you drive it. As long as you dont abuse it and do a basic maintenance you should be fine.

oil change every 5k
coolent flush I do once a year only cause I live with severe climate changes
Thats basically it. Tune up when I feel it needs it obviously and maybe little love now and then and I had my first teg from 200k till 423k


Again. I agree with everything you have said so far. Its really going to come down to how you drive it. As long as you dont abuse it and do a basic maintenance you should be fine.

oil change every 5k
coolent flush I do once a year only cause I live with severe climate changes
Thats basically it. Tune up when I feel it needs it obviously and maybe little love now and then and I had my first teg from 200k till 423k
Even with occasionally racing my cars I change oil every 5k. 3k or 6 months with the integra cause I just don't drive it that much.

Coolant I do every 30k for regular but I've been switching everything to the new organic acid coolant and will change every 60k. It's suppossed to be good for over 100k but I don't want to let it go that long.

I change trans fluid every 30k, along with plugs, air filter, check all my suspension bolts, grease anything that needs to be, etc, and brake/clutch fluid yearly

I rotate the tires when I change the oil and inspect the brakes/tires then, while the tires are off :roll: Pretty much everything I can look at visually gets inspected when I change the oil.

I know some people like to change fluid every 3k, sure I guess, but before that is useless unless your rebuilding a race engine for the next weekend.

Tune up when I feel it needs
yea pretty much


Not a M0derator
haha I wasnt going to bash him for being excessive so Im glad you did instead.
It doesnt matter how much you drive your car thats why it has a mileage interval from the factory.
And some could argue even those intervals are conservative as many dont do anything until it breaks.
Its great that you take such great care of your car but its truly excessive.


Shut up baby, I know it!
Just figured id share this, this is typed up on my computer

Pennys -maintenance schedule
Every friday - Wash and vacuum
Are you really this dirty?

Every Monday, Wendesday, And Friday - Tire pressure check, Radiator check, Brake Fluid check, check oil.
once a week maybe once every month is all this really needs to be, even if you are obsessive compulsive

Every 350 miles - Lucas gas treatment/STP
snake oil, that does absolutely nothing, STP is kerosene and petroleum distillates, it would be wise to do some research before dumping crap into your gas tank.

Every 1000 miles - Flush radiator
really? 100,000 mile, 10 year antifreeze and your doing it what? every 3 months? even doing this once a year is a bit extreme.

Every 1500 miles Oil change
Your oil isnt even broken in yet at 1500 miles, a good synthetic like rotella lasts upwards of 8-10,000 miles with absolutely no loss of protection, it would be wise do some actual oil analyses tests before you deem 1500 miles the required change period.

Every 2000 miles Check brakes
this is something you can feel with your foot, in the car, why do they need to be inspected?

Every 2500 miles Clean battery terminals, check distributor cap for corrosion
corrosion? lol come back in 100k or 10 years and clean them

Every 3000 miles Check all fuses and connections for burnt or corroded connection
I dont think ive ever done this on a car....ever. I dont even know why it would be nessecary, check fuses?

Every 4000 miles Check all underhood lines and hoses for cracks and wear
this isnt a bad thing to do, especially with vacuum lines, but every 4000 miles? you can put 10-20k on before you will ever see any signs of dry rot in anything.

Every 5000 miles check tires for abnormal tread wear
depends on how you drive or how your car is setup so this is fine

Every 6000 miles Bleed all 4 brakes
bleed your brakes? if your system isnt leaking, theres no need to be bleeding them. the fluid could be changed every 10k or 3 years if you want to be a fanatic about it.

Every 7,000 miles, fill up exxon premium gas, with chevron techron additive.
one tank of gas isnt doing anything, your better off just putting a bottle of prestone heet or redline gas additive in your tank every 10k to keep the tank clean.
there, thats my take on this insanity


there, thats my take on this insanity
I drive my car hard, and where im at is excessively hot/cold all the time, just because I don't give my fluids time to get low/dirty does not mean this schedule is too much. as for the wash and vacuum, I live on a piece of land in the country, lots of dirt and leafs, as well as mud and grass most of the year. So my car gets dirty quick. I do not and will not let any of my fluids get dirty. And as for the STP, it does make a difference, and it does not hurt the car. Bashing someone for their preferences makes no sense, and in itself, is idiotic. Those who bash, clearly don't understand that I have this schedule, cause of where I live, and how much I drive daily. I go through two full tanks of gas a day in this car, thats 650 miles a day in my car, thats 4,550 miles a week, thats 236,600 miles a year. the factory maintenance schedule is based off of the average miles per year which is between 7,000 to 14,000 a year, when I change my oil, its black, and dirty. I don't run premium gas to help the car, premium gas burns longer and hotter. This schedule has been approved by the acura and honda dealership, it has been looked at by my mechanics and approved as well. These D16s run hot down here thats why theres barely any left, ive seen ONE 89 integra other than mine, and now that dudes a good friend of mine, while I agree that some of these are obsessive, yall are really gonna bash someone for taking care of there car? That doesn't make you look cool, just makes you look like an ass hole.


User that is Registered
I'm not here to bash. It's your schedule, do what you want. I guess in your defense, I'd rather be OCD and have a dependable car, than not have a car when I need it...but where do you drive 650 miles a day? if you average 55mph, that's almost 12 hours PER DAY driving your car. I'm just curious why you drive so much.

even if you averages 70mph, thats still over 9 hours a day


Yolo Whippin'
I tend to change my oil before every track day, or like every 4 months or something. I run amsoil so it doesn't break down as fast. I also change my other fluids every year once a year. Other stuff like brakes and bushings etc are checked before every track day.


Super Moderator
I agree with bkirshr better to be a little OCD about it than to procrastinate and neglect (within reason). However, I think what hte OP posted is a little on the extreme side. I would just follow the manufacturers recommended maintenance schedule by mileage or time. Maybe do things a little early.

I use an app on my phone for maintenance. Everytime I fill up, I record it (for MPG) and it also calculates my maintenance and lets me know how much longer I have to go before I need to change oil, spark plugs, brake fluid, etc.


Yeah, i am ocd, g3teg ima check that out right now
oh and i drive 650 miles a day because i run my own business in my teg, people here call me when they get stuck on the side of the road, and where ever there at within the dfw metroplex. sometimes i have to drive to houston to get the part that they need to get back on the road
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