^^^thanks for the positive comments :thumbs up
soo000oo i was thinking the other day... what if one of my front tires ever had a flat... the stock OEM spare isn't going to clear the wilwoods!!! the solution?!?!? buy another ce28n

j/k. a rim wold cost like $400'ish... so i went with the cheaper alternative, but something i trust in more than rota... KONIG HELIUMs... $66 shipped boyeeEEE!!! its going to used as a spare... no need to spend all that money on bling blin...

i found it on a fs thread on another forum. the only difference between both rims, is that the volk is forged, and i believe the konig is cast iron. i'm not totally sure on the weight... it looks like its the same from the stamping on the rim :what:
after comparing it to the real deal VOLKs... they are almost identical, aside from the writings on the wheel.
but if ever get a chance on a 16x7 +42 single VOLK rim... im jumpin on it asap! haha. these match at least tho :thumbup: