Ominous G2
If you can figure out how to break into a vault, then more power to ya. The moeny is probably the only thing in the city that is dry.
Word up to all that. Bush is far from perfect, but at least he's not John Kerry. Sometimes you have to choose between the less imperfect of two imperfects.IntegrasAreBest said:kanye had no right to say what he said about president bush. even though our president has made mistakes our country is helping the iraqi people obtain freedom and democracy and we did our best to help tsunami victims. what he said was indeed ignorant and stupid. the hurricane katrina situation is a tragedy and what would have been accomplished from him showing up the first day or the second day in new orleans? NOTHING. This situation is'nt about race, America was'nt prepard for our own passenger planes to attack us, and America was'nt prepared for the horrific power of Hurricane Katrina. If you want to help out , start a fundraiser and why does'nt KANYE GO DOWN TO NEW ORLEANS?! Keep the survivors in your prayers and remember we are all Americans, and the desert fucks are our enemies. :thumbs up
good one hahahag3teg97 said: