Hondata s300


New Member
Just save your money dont get a chipped ecu... Just save till you decide what road you want to go down. Theres also Neptune RTP (same as S300) It has diffrent features but I love S300 I have 4 of them in diffrent cars. As of right now I hate to say it cause I hate them just get a VAFC or SAFC and a small tune You will gain like 20 to 30 whp maybe. I dont like them as an actuall tune but they get you something when you want it( my buddy owns a dyno so I get to use it for free). The biggest thing before you pick an Tunning program would be to find a GOOD tunner and find out which softwear he can tune with. All the tunners in my area wont tune anything but Hondata so thats something to think about. Just wait tho because your just going to spend money that you dont need to and yes you will need an OBD1 ecu (prob an P28 ) and jumper harrness and Hondata and a tune. Just wait till your ready to build then pick one!
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Just wait until you have a more clear idea of what you want to do to your car in the long run. Reset your stock ecu and let it make the minor adjustments necessary with your bolt ons. The difference will be negligable.