http://www.clubintegra.com/board/showpost.php?p=935515&postcount=8715quit thread jacking!
/threadjack lol
http://www.clubintegra.com/board/showpost.php?p=935515&postcount=8715quit thread jacking!
Maintenance first?
Haha of course! But a Tune up is already under way for next week or so.Pssssshhh, why maintain, just slap a body kit on it and you're good!
Lol, nah; Trinhity is right, maintain your hoe
Sorry, had a noob moment there. Thanks for reminding me about that side of maintenance.A tune up is a small part of maintenance. Axles, wheel bearings, clutch, etc..
Thanks for the welcomewelcome to the forum man. alarm and full maintenance. upgrades and body work later