Hey Everyone!,
I've been lurking on here for a while but haven't posted much until now.
I'm new to this Forum, but not new to Import's or the Honda game lol.
I'll introduce myself. My Name is Sabastian, Im currently Living in New York. I just bought my first car, thankfully It's an integra 8). It's a Midnight Blue 1997 LS 5 speed with 199, xxx miles on it. I picked it up for 1,900 which to me is a good deal. It's pretty much stock other then a Injen CAI, a new radio and some chrome rims haha. It needs a good amount of body work but all and all I'm really happy with it. It's the first time driving stick shift for me, so I suck at driving it. But I just gotta keep practicing.
My Plans for the car so far are:
Clean up the body
Lower it
Tell me what you think, Here are some photos.
I've been lurking on here for a while but haven't posted much until now.
I'm new to this Forum, but not new to Import's or the Honda game lol.
I'll introduce myself. My Name is Sabastian, Im currently Living in New York. I just bought my first car, thankfully It's an integra 8). It's a Midnight Blue 1997 LS 5 speed with 199, xxx miles on it. I picked it up for 1,900 which to me is a good deal. It's pretty much stock other then a Injen CAI, a new radio and some chrome rims haha. It needs a good amount of body work but all and all I'm really happy with it. It's the first time driving stick shift for me, so I suck at driving it. But I just gotta keep practicing.
My Plans for the car so far are:
Clean up the body
Lower it
Tell me what you think, Here are some photos.