header decision


New Member
What car is that on? And no thats deffinantly not the right spot. Mines in the stock location on my DC2. Where does the o2 sensor usually go on your car?

Ominous G2

Its on a G2, and it went at the collector where all 4 merged. So you fuck up once with a part with me you are done for good. Megan is not allowed on any of my cars now. Fidanza short shifter didnt feel right, so they are done too. Now its hanging on my wall, I know a bunch of people that had to dent there oil pans to get that header to fit. Wish I would have known that before I bought it.


I ♥ My Integra
whatever it is you do dont get ceramic ask melt the guy has had to weld his shit twice i think, go SS.


New Member
You guys are tards. Anyone knows that you get what you pay for. If you pay 100-300 bucks for any header its not going to be near the quality of a $1000 toda or bizzimoto header. Its definantly not good where your o2 sensor was but again you should have done your homework on the part. AND why would anyone dent their oil pan to put on a crap header? Hind sight is always 20 20. And why the heck did you buy a short shifter? I guess since you bought a short shifter you upgraded to a race Master cylinder and thicker trans fluid right? Cause if you didnt then your shifting didnt get any faster. You just bought into the hype.


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
mugen.... megan....
spoon... spun


these companies sure like to use different vowels... lol... i kidd, i kidd

Ominous G2

No need for the hostility

I got a *BRAND NEW* short shifter for $10 thought I would try it. Turns out I dont like them, glad I didnt pay too much. :lol:

Megan header was to hold me over till I started working on my turbo setup. Just like the SRI.

I do plenty of homework, dont you worry.

So insted of getting angry like you, I will let you look like a fool for getting worked up over this thread. :roll:

Ominous G2

To me it does, but im the type of person to save to get what I want.
I havent heard anything about the seats, somebody told me the tenzos in red faded to a nice pink.


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<

lol.... iono at this point... you should buy it and find out youself. let us know how it is. i'm a non-megan believer too.