Well to build the cage safely around the back seat area, it would require a bit more tubing and cost a little more to build lol. I had a program I used specifically for building cages.. I need to track that down for you.
I'm not putting him in the front seat. Idk what I am going to do honestly, might just part it out as its turning into a car I can no longer really enjoy due to all the rules for racing. I understand they are there for safety concerns but damn do they suck balls
Yeah the cage is a major issue, its my own fault for not thinking ahead lol. I won't part it out but I am frustrated with where the car is heading. Oh well, might have an update later today for you guys
Great Project bro. I have a Db7 sitting in my garage. Just can't decide wether to biuld a b20 non vtec or a b20 vtec. Any sugjestions?? i would really appreciate a response.
I personally am not a fan of either the LSV or B20vtec's. I am however a fan of turbo b20s lol. If you dont want to boost a motor then I would either go with a GSR swap or Type R if you can find one cheap enough.