9/30/12: Disaster strikes!! Today at Import Faceoff I had nothing but problems, first it was wiring issues that caused me to run a 25, yes a 25 second 1/4 mile lol. The car would not rev past 3k rpms so I just cruised down the track. We got that sorted out and was ready to let it rip, the car had other ideas. Did my burnout, lined up, launched and it felt good, that was til about th 1/8th mile when the car started to break up and then it just shut off completely. I coasted through the traps to a blistering 13.1@101mph. I then bump started the car and got it back to the pits, there I discovered a noise from inside the motor. We instantly though valve train, so we checked and adjusted all the valves, the sound was still there. I am not sure if its a bad valve, a LMA or worse a wrist pin in the bottom end. I will know more once I get the motor torn apart. I think I am going to end this build thread and start a new one over the winter. There are lots of changes about to be made, keep an eye out on the Chase for 9's build thread